
Showing posts from 2018

100 Word Challenge

Bath fighter dance orange clumily Today i went into the bath and i fell into a world of zombies they were everywhere, they were even doing the dance orange justice. He jumped into his bed clumily and and randomly popped back up in the bath. Slowing i sprint towards the flaming lava pool and jump in. And my brother jumps in and he's a real fighter so he throws the first punch and I throw the second punch which was hard as a rock wall. He fell and started to fire up and got out of the pool grabbed a baseball bat and though it right at my….

Reflective Question

T his week we did otago maths and i got 5 / 5 in the test it was a big inprovment for me becuase the last one i did i only got 3 / 5 and i struggled so i think i did really well.

100 word challenge

Once upon a time there lived a ugly dragon who never went to school. And her name was Misty. Misty lived in a town far far away from everyone else.  She has two brother called Shouted and Crimson Misty’s mum called her kids very unusual names. Misty and Crimson got into a massive argument with their mum. You just shouted at me me Misty, yes mum said shouted ‘go away shouted i wasn't talking to you’ ‘Yes you were mum you yelled out shouted’ ‘NO I was yelling at Misty because she shouted at me’ ‘Oh right I get it’ Hey Shouted said Mum wat was your favorite colour again Crimson ‘Yes Shouted’ said Crimson ‘Oh my i wasn’t talking to you’ At the end of this story it wasn't really about Misty the ugly dragon it was about how dumb their names are.

100 word challenge / If i was in charge

Well if i was in charge the world would me stable i would make it so the only rule is no rules. Food free money would even be a thing and i have my own slaves to make thing for me. I tell people where to go and what to do. And if they don't do what i say they will be my slaves. But none of the will happen to me because i don't have the power to do it and i don't run the world. But i do sometime run my family only if i get mad but im still not going to run the world.

100 word challenge/ It went very fast when

Jumping, sprinting, screaming. Ahhhh I saw it, a huge slimey croc. We were running very  fast when it jumped out of the bush with a huge horde of bees. What I trip I fall eating dirt. But wait I wipe my face and slime sticks to my hands ahh a crocodile. Sprinting through the bush and the croc is still casing how fast can a croc get. Another one, and another one, and another one. How!!! Runing, running, running from everything I can see my body shivers goosebumps all over my back i turn my head and nothing was in site im free. I set a fire, Smoke flies in the air a helicopter yes. 115 words